Saturday, April 12, 2014

A Film At It's Best For Me
What do I think of a movie that would be considered a favorite of mine or to become one? Well, I would imagine a movie that is suspenseful, bewildering, exhilarating, and comical, has a little romantic twist and something that I don’t really have to think about in depth to understand the main idea or point being presented. So pretty much an emotional roller-coaster!

I enjoy the suspenseful part because it gives me the thrill compared to my everyday no-risk taking live of mine. The film would have to be bewildering, because I hate being able to know what is going to happen already. Films that follow the same: main point-action-result of action- and ending, like the dumb blond that always gets killed in a movie. I love exhilarating film because I just love scaring the crap out of myself, giggleJ! I enjoy humor in a film because it helps me relax and release tension build up created throughout the film.

In addition, I enjoy a romantic twist in a movie because it can be a motive to create more emotions from the audience and myself and also to relax my heightened nerves. Finally, I don’t like movies that are just too darn hard to understand because it requires previous background info about the main idea they are basing it off of.

However, if there is a certain actor/actress I hated, because of bad acting or they just annoyed me somehow in a previous movie of theirs, I will avoid watching there movies.

So just a few examples of movies that would fit under my category would be:

·         Book Of Eli

·         The Blade Trinity Series

·         Jumanji

·         Wrath/Clash of the Titans

·         Most Zombie Movies

·         Vampire/Werewolf  movies

·         Alien/Non-human

·         Pandemics/ Apocalyptical

·         Few westerns

1 comment:

  1. I like the way you judge on your own perspective of movies you like. Jumanji my favorite!
