Thursday, February 6, 2014

"The worlds not going to stop" (Caitlin Magnusson)

                The documentary “Disconnected” is about three individuals that willingly try and participate in not using a computer for a total of 30 days at the Charleston College in Northfield, MN.

                They are allowed to use their cells phones only. That means no text messages, emails, blogs, social media networks, or even typing up their assignments on a computer. Participants include first, Caitlin Magnusson, a junior who works in the geology department. Second we have Andrew Tatge, a junior whom uses computers when bored, movies and to blog. Last we have Chel Lundin, a senior that has his own radio show.

                From observing this documentary I have come to a conclusion that I would be willing to at least try and participate in such an experience.  I don’t believe I could last the entire 30 days. I would probably end up like Andrew, whom gave in first to use computers for assignments. For me I just couldn’t like dealing with the idea of falling behind on assignments that could affect my initial grade in a class. After watching the documentary I was surprised how confident they all were that they could initially succeed in the experiment. I was overall surprised that only Caitlin was able to successfully complete the experiment. I was not surprised by Andrew being the first to give in because of his relaxed attitude, but I did think Chel would of lasted because of how self-assured he was at the beginning.

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